• Marken: EarthQuaker Devices

EarthQuaker Devices - Afterneath V3 Otherworldly Reverberator

Ausserirdisch klingender Reverb....v3 mit Modes...

239,00 €
Inkl. 19% deutscher MwSt. (kann je nach Bestimmungsland variieren, finaler Preis wird beim Checkout angezeigt), , zzgl. Versand
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The Afterneath V3 sounds a lot like it looks – a wizard bursting forth from ethereal cave and ready for the ambient battle. You are the wizard – or sorceress, if you prefer – and the cave is your instrument’s signal, vast, expansive, and magical. Do you go inside? Roll a D20 to proceed! 

Once inside, a reflection of light from an unknown source catches your eye, and you notice a bizarre sheen on the walls of the cave. You timidly inch closer to the walls of the cave. Placing your hand gently on the cavern wall, you feel the rock move. The cave is alive! Alarmed, you emit a loud gasp, which reverberates throughout the subterranean landscape. Upon further listening, it appears as though the reverberations of your voice are in fact a swarm of short digital delays which may be used to create wild and cavernous reverbs, or scattered, short, rhythmic delays with bizarre characteristics.

The Modes control changes the way the Drag control functions. The LED will change colors indicating which mode you are in.

1. #Unquantized: Smooth, unquantized response over the operating range

2. #Unquantized with Slew: Smooth, unquantized response over the entire operating range, but with a musical slew that is reminiscent of turning the varispeed knob on a vintage British tape delay. The “Drag” will lag behind the knob or cv changes, but then quickly catch up.

3. #Unquantized Volt/Octave: Smooth and unquantized, yet scaled to align with the 1v/octave curve to allow melodic modulation of audio in the buffer, or control the frequency of self-oscillation like a voltage controlled oscillator.

4. #Chromatic Scale: Quantized 1v/octave to the chromatic scale

5. #Minor Scale: Quantized 1v/octave to the minor scale

6. #Major Scale (Lydian): Quantized 1v/octave to the major scale (Lydian)

7. #Pentatonic Scale: Quantized 1v/octave to the pentatonic scale

8. #Octaves & Fifths: Quantized 1v/octave to omit all but octaves and fifths

9. #Octaves: Quantized 1v/octave to omit all but octaves

Dimensions: 4.75 x 2.50 x 2.25 in. (121 x 64 x 57 mm) with knobs

Current Draw: 100 mA

Input Impedance: 1 MΩ

Output Impedance: 500 Ω

Expression Jack

This is an expression pedal control jack for the Drag. The Afterneath requires an expression pedal with a value of 50k, we recommend the Moog EP-3 or similar. While it will work with a standard 10k expression pedal, a 50k expression pedal will allow you to access the full range of each mode.

Tip is the wiper, Ring is 5v and Sleeve is ground.

You can also use CV with this jack. CV operates 0-5v.

Flexi-Switch® Technology

This device features Flexi-Switch Technology! This electronic switching style allows you to simultaneously use momentary and latching style switching.

For standard latching operation, tap the footswitch once to activate the effect and then tap again to bypass.

For momentary operation, hold the footswitch down for as long as you’d like to use the effect. Once you release the switch, the effect will be bypassed.

The Afterneath uses electronic buffered bypass, it requires power to pass signal and the buffer is always active. You may experience a pop the first time the Afterneath is switched on after power up.

Tails / No Tails Switching

The Afterneath is factory set in “tails mode.” This means that the wet signal will naturally decay and slowly fade to silence after the effect is switched off.

To deactivate this feature:

Unplug the power cable from the power jack.

Hold down the footswitch and insert the power cable.

The LED will flash 3 times. You can now release the footswitch.

Follow the same steps to reactive tails mode.


This device takes a standard 9 volt DC power supply with a 2.1mm negative center barrel. We always recommend pedal-specific, transformer-isolated wall-wart power supplies or multiple isolated-output supplies. Pedals will make extra noise if there is ripple or unclean power. Switching-type power supplies, daisy chains and non-pedal specific power supplies do not filter dirty power as well and let through unwanted noise. DO NOT RUN AT HIGHER VOLTAGES!

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Marke EarthQuaker Devices
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English Version below.

Allgemeine Sicherheitshinweise

• Bevor Sie das Gerät in Betrieb nehmen drehen Sie bitte alle Regler auf Minimum bzw. auf „Null“.

• Lesen Sie die Bedienungsanleitung sorgfältig durch, bevor Sie das Gerät in Betrieb nehmen.

• Bewahren Sie die Bedienungsanleitung für zukünftige Referenz auf.

•Verwenden Sie das Gerät nur für den vorgesehenen Zweck.

• Halten Sie das Gerät von Wasser, Feuchtigkeit und extremen Temperaturen fern.

• Bewahren Sie das Gerät außerhalb der Reichweite von Kindern auf.

Elektrische Sicherheit

• Vergewissern Sie sich, dass die Netzspannung mit den Angaben auf dem Gerät übereinstimmt.

•Verwenden Sie nur das mitgelieferte Netzteil oder ein gleichwertiges, von einem Fachmann empfohlenes Netzteil.

• Ziehen Sie den Netzstecker, wenn das Gerät längere Zeit nicht benutzt wird.

• Schützen Sie das Netzkabel vor Beschädigungen.

• Verwenden Sie das Gerät nicht, wenn das Netzkabel beschädigt ist.

• Vermeiden Sie den Kontakt des Geräts mit Wasser oder anderen Flüssigkeiten, um das Risiko eines elektrischen Schlages zu minimieren.

Hinweise zur Reparatur

• Reparaturen dürfen nur von qualifiziertem Fachpersonal durchgeführt werden.

• Versuchen Sie nicht, das Gerät selbst zu öffnen oder zu reparieren, da dies zu schweren Verletzungen oder Schäden am Gerät führen kann.

• Bei Funktionsstörungen oder Defekten wenden Sie sich an einen autorisierten Service-Techniker oder an uns. info@effekt-boutique.de


• Öffnen Sie das Gerät nicht. Es enthält keine vom Benutzer zu wartenden Teile.

• Stellen Sie sicher, dass die Lüftungsschlitze des Geräts nicht blockiert sind, um Überhitzung zu vermeiden.

• Verwenden Sie das Gerät nicht in der Nähe von entflammbaren Materialien oder Flüssigkeiten.

• Ziehen Sie bei Gewitter oder längeren Betriebspausen den Netzstecker, um mögliche Schäden durch Spannungsspitzen zu vermeiden.

• Setzen Sie das Gerät nicht direkter Sonneneinstrahlung oder anderen Wärmequellen aus.

• Essen Sie keinen gelben Schnee

General safety instructions

• Before you start using the device, please turn all controls to minimum or “zero”.

• Read the operating instructions carefully before using the device.

• Save the instruction manual for future reference.

•Use the device only for its intended purpose.

• Keep the device away from water, moisture and extreme temperatures.

• Keep the device out of the reach of children.

Electrical safety

• Make sure that the mains voltage matches the information on the device.

•Use only the included power adapter or an equivalent power adapter recommended by a professional.

• Unplug the device if the device is not going to be used for a long period of time.

• Protect the power cord from damage.

• Do not use the device if the power cord is damaged.

• Avoid contact of the device with water or other liquids to minimize the risk of electric shock.

Repair instructions

• Repairs may only be carried out by qualified specialist personnel.

• Do not attempt to open or repair the device yourself as this may result in serious injury or damage to the device.

• In the event of malfunctions or defects, contact an authorized service technician or us. info@effekt-boutique.de


• Do not open the device. It contains no user-serviceable parts.

• Make sure the device's ventilation slots are not blocked to avoid overheating.

• Do not use the device near flammable materials or liquids.

• During thunderstorms or long breaks in operation, pull out the power plug to avoid possible damage caused by voltage peaks.

• Do not expose the device to direct sunlight or other heat sources.

• Don't eat yellow snow

Hersteller / Manufacterer:

EarthQuaker Devices
350 W. Bowery St
44307 Akron, Ohio
Vereinigte Staaten

Imported by

Warwick GmbH & Co Music Equipment KG

Gewerbepark 46

08258 Markneukirchen


