• Marken: Hungry Robot Pedals

Hungry Robot Pedals - The Wash V2 Tap Tempo

Smaller Version V2 with Tap Tempo

100 % of 100
249,00 €
Inkl. 19% deutscher MwSt. (kann je nach Bestimmungsland variieren, finaler Preis wird beim Checkout angezeigt), , zzgl. Versand

The Wash is a dream come true for ambient player and ushers in a new chapter in the world of delays. It accomplishes the arduous task of creating an organic, below-the-mix wash. Normally this requires stacking 3-4 reverb and delay pedals at the end of your chain. The unique "Wash Circuit" creates the perfect wash with only one pedal.

For the new version (V2), I worked hard to squeeze the circuit into a smaller enclosure while keeping the build quality and tone quality identical. The circuit that hundreds of users have fell in love with is unchanged. The new versions are 2 inches smaller left and right. In addition to the smaller enclosure, the new option for top mounted jacks can save you a lot of board space.

At its most basic utility, The Wash is an outstanding analog-voiced, tap-tempo delay with just over 1000ms of delay time.

The Wash circuit is what makes the pedal stand out from other delays on the market. The Wash circuit adds reverb to the signal and through a complicated network of internal feedback loops, subtle multi-head Binson effect, and what i have coined "ripple effect," It works to add a hauntingly beautiful wash to your signal in ways that can't be accomplished by stacking a reverb and a delay in series. It does all of this while keeping the clarity and presence of your original signal without getting lost in the soup of decay.

The Wash reacts to your playing unlike the common DSP reverb/delays with an infinate sustain function. There is a dynamic quality to it that is hard to replicate with any other single pedal.

The "Ripple" knob controls The Ripple Effect. The Ripple Effect is a feature in which each successive delay trail slowly scatters and transforms into reverb. The "Resonance" knob is to fine-tune the resonance and decay of the wash. The Middle "The Wash" knob controls the mix/level of the wash.

POWER REQUIREMENTS Power must meet the following minimum requirements. For best results use a power supply that is specifically designed for pedals 9V DC 2.1mm “Boss” Style Plug Negative Center, minimum 100mah

Powersupply not included.  

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Marke Hungry Robot Pedals
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