Bass Effekte

Bass Effekte

Hier haben wir Artikel die speziell für Bassisten interessant sind. Viel Spass!

Artikel 13-24 von 90

In aufsteigender Reihenfolge
  1. Audio Kitchen The Fake Plastic Trees
    Audio Kitchen The Fake Plastic Trees
    100% - 1 Bewertung
    The Fake Plastic Trees (FPT) is a scrupulously engineered, solid state homage to the array of euphonic joy available on the *‘line out’ of our much loved The Big Trees (TBT).
    519,00 €
    Inkl. 19% deutscher MwSt. (kann je nach Bestimmungsland variieren, finaler Preis wird beim Checkout angezeigt), , zzgl. Versand
  2. Lusithand Devices - Alma Compressor MKII
    Lusithand Devices - Alma Compressor MKII
    The Alma Compressor MKII - it retains all its original elements such as an internal voltage doubling circuit, and a Clean control to be blended with the compressed signal plus new features of the MKII are a Ratio switch, allowing the user to select between 2:1, 4:1 and 8:1 compression Ratios, as well as a visual indication of how much compression is being applied to the input signal.
    299,00 €
    Inkl. 19% deutscher MwSt. (kann je nach Bestimmungsland variieren, finaler Preis wird beim Checkout angezeigt), , zzgl. Versand
  3. Earthquaker Devices - Zoar Dynamic Audio Grinder
    Earthquaker Devices - Zoar Dynamic Audio Grinder
    Zoar is a medium-high gain discrete distortion (using only transistors; no opamps or diodes in here!) that has that touch sensitive amp-like quality to it that everyone craves. It has been finely tuned to create a highly tweakable hi-fi and modern sounding distortion, but with the ghosts of old school circuitry to deliver a grind that is both instantly familiar and delightfully unique.
    148,00 €
    Inkl. 19% deutscher MwSt. (kann je nach Bestimmungsland variieren, finaler Preis wird beim Checkout angezeigt), , zzgl. Versand
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