Geschraubter Hals

Artikel 1-12 von 19

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  1. Reverend Guitars - Chris Freeman Signature Model
    Reverend Guitars - Chris Freeman Signature Model
    Taking inspiration from the Double Agent OG, the Chris Freeman Signature Model has all the upgrades and tweaks a hardworking, high-flying player like Freeman would want. The reverse headstock and Nuevo 90 in the bridge set it apart from the flagship model, and the reverse-mounted electronics provide a longer lifespan and better protection against the blood, sweat, and tears that go hand in hand with a long Hot Mulligan tour. The twin kill switches, one latching and one momentary, provide ample opportunity for stutter effects at one’s fingertips....
    1.199,00 €
    Inkl. 19% deutscher MwSt. (kann je nach Bestimmungsland variieren, finaler Preis wird beim Checkout angezeigt), , zzgl. Versand
  2. Reverend Guitars - Tommy Koffin Signature
    Reverend Guitars - Tommy Koffin Signature
    After playing more than 2000 shows in 12 years, worldwide, mostly living out of a band van and random hotel rooms, and living on junk food, caffeine, and beer, Tommy Koffin needed a guitar that he could take anywhere. We loaded Railhammer Chisels into a Kingbolt body, put a Wilkinson trem on it, and painted it with cool sparkle colors to catch the stage lights. He signed it with “Tommy Koffin *666*,” and he’s ready for another 2000 shows.
    1.399,00 €
    Inkl. 19% deutscher MwSt. (kann je nach Bestimmungsland variieren, finaler Preis wird beim Checkout angezeigt), , zzgl. Versand
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