• Marken: Lastgasp Art Laboratories

Lastgasp Art Laboratories - MISTY CAVE - analog resonance echo

Characterized by a sound of a space that is resonant to the pitches of the input signal.

279,00 €
Inkl. 19% deutscher MwSt. (kann je nach Bestimmungsland variieren, finaler Preis wird beim Checkout angezeigt), , zzgl. Versand
Auf Lager - Versand innerhalb 24 Stunden

The "MISTY CAVE - analog resonance echo" (MC) is a effect pedal which creates a kind of reverb/echo.

Characterized by a sound of a space that is resonant to the pitches of the input signal.

It makes the sound of delay style oscillating feedback which decays naturally. This increases the playability of your instrument over other delay pedals. You can control which note oscillates using the D.TIME control.

There is the "CV PEDAL" jack to control the "D.TIME" with the expression pedal.

From the top; "RATE", "D.TIME" and "BLEND". The "RATE" controls the rate to feedback the echo sound. The "D.TIME" controls the delay time. The "BLEND" controls the mix balance of input sound and effect sound. The "RATE" LED flashes depending on the rate.

On the top side, there are jacks for an AC ADAPTER, CV PEDAL, OUTPUT and INPUT. As for the expression pedal to connect the "CV PEDAL" jack, the "Roland EV-5"* can control the full range of the "D.TIME".

It contains an analog IC called "BBD" which was used in analog chorus, flanger and delay circuits. It could be categorized as chorus / delay / reverb, but it is slightly different to these effects.


It can create the mysterious echo sound which has floatiness like drifting through the air and can sound similar to the Indian "Chikaar" (Sitar), but with it's own character.

SIZE L:120mm W:90mm H:60mm





POWER BATTERY 006P or AC adapter(DC9V "barrel" type tip negative) both not included

Thank you, Dennis Kayzer!
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Marke Lastgasp Art Laboratories
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